Applications | Forms
If you are interested in receiving sanitary sewer services, the following simple steps will allow you to "get connected", assuming that your home or business is located within our service area:
- Call our office at 1-403-265-7037 to discuss and have an application sent to you.
- Upon receipt of the Application the Utility will supply you with a quote that will cover connection fees and any related construction costs.
- If the quote is accepted by the customer a formal Terms & Conditions Agreement (T&C) will be provided. The T&C acts as a contract between the utility and the customer and details all payment requirements, construction requirements and any other details related to the provision of service to your property. Each T&C is tailored to meet each individual customer's requirements.
- Upon completion of the construction, but prior to connection to the live services, the following application will need to be filled out:
- The applications explain all plumbing requirements required within your home or business to allow connection to the system.
- After a final inspection by one of our staff and assuming that all payments have been made as requested, the services will be live.